Saša Harper
Leading the way in neuroscience & trauma-informed ADHD business support & growth
Client Testimonial
"Changed my life"
"Working with Saša is something that's changed my life!
In terms of work, I'd wanted to launch a business for over a year and with Saša's support I've finally been able to allow my nervous system to feel safe enough to be "seen" and put myself out there achieve my goal!
It's not just my business that has grown, I would 100% recommend working with Saša for anyone needing help working through their trauma. In terms of dating and relationships, I don't quite recognise myself as the same person I was 3 months ago. I've learned to say no to people and situations that don't serve me thanks to this knowledge and regulating tools.
I've learned to have much more compassion for myself and take time to celebrate my wins and constant progress, I can't thank her enough!"
Steph, UK

"The 9-5 life broke me"
I was diagnosed with ADHD in September 2019. The photo on the left was the day after my diagnosis, I was smoking about a pack a day, drinking heavily most nights and I had not long been divorced.
I was working as an educational coach and trainer after a decade of being a burned out teacher. Whilst I was in a job I loved at the time, my physical health was in bits. I suffered from joint inflammation, asthma, chronic allergies, sciatica, insomnia. emotionally, I wasn't much better, I struggled with health anxiety and phobias, I felt a deep shame for who I was and felt powerless to change.
I then discovered trauma-informed coaching and the role of the nervous system in my struggles and how they impacted my ADHD. After my own transformational journey of my mental and physical health, in April 2021, I decided to take the plunge and launch my own coaching business and support people like you to do the same.
Tried, tried, tried and failed to reach your goals?
Have you tried and failed repeatedly? Do you feel overwhelmed and even powerless to make the changes that you know are good for you and your business? Or do you keep stalling on taking that first leap into becoming an ADHD entrepreneur?
Well, I'm here to tell you that you make perfect sense!
Trying to take action towards your goals without getting your nervous system on board and having high quality trauma-informed support is an uphill battle you are almost guaranteed to lose...

What if I told you that there is another way...
With this evidence based, cutting-edge approach, I will support you to transform your systems for success. I will show you how to work with your evolutionary biology, show you how it has been keeping you stuck and to break free from your unconscious programming to smash your expectations!
From the length of support, to the bespoke content, to the in-between session support, everything in the support I offer has been expertly designed to support you to lead you from stagnation into success.
Are you a business looking for bespoke training or consultancy on transforming wellbeing and performance in the workplace?
This training and individualised approach will revolutionise how you view wellbeing and performance in the workplace. Integrating the the latest neuroscience and research based performance metrics will transform your workplace into a more productive and positive environment, where employees feel engaged and motivated to reach their full potential.
Client Testimonial
"As a leader, it really made me think about how I address stress and how I can recognise triggers and do my best to prevent them in the workplace both for my wellbeing and the wellbeing of the staff. It really highlighted why we feel and perform the way we do, good and bad. The working week can feel immensely stressful and the training helped me understand why this is so, and why we develop harmful behavioural patterns, and what I can do about it. Working with Saša was a really informative and positive experience!"
James, Company Director
Group D Achitects